  sdxyadmin  2020-05-20  浏览次数:38





(1) 江尚焘, 栗晗, 彭海英, 梅新兰, 陈廷速, 徐阳春, 董彩霞, 沈其荣. 有机肥替代部分化肥对芒果丛枝菌根真菌群落的影响. 应用生态学报, 2023, 34(2): 481-490.

(2) 栗晗, 江尚焘, 彭海英, 高日芳, 张金莲, 李冬萍, 姜柔, 董彩霞, 陈廷速. 广西百色市芒果树根际土壤丛枝菌根真菌资源初探. 热带作物学报, 2022, 43(11): 2334-2344.

(3) Yadong Shao#, Shangtao Jiang#, Haiying Peng, Han Li, Peigen Li, Rou Jiang, Wenyi Fang, Tingsu Chen, Gaofei Jiang, Tianjie Yang, Savithri U. Nambeesan, Yangchun Xu, Caixia Dong. Indigenous AMF and AMF isolates display differential effects in Pyrus betulaefolia roots through divergent transcriptomic and metabolomic responses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1040134.

(4) Xinjuan Xu, Qingyun Luo*, Qichao Wei, Shangtao Jiang, Caixia Dong, Mohammad Omar Faruque, Zhongwen Huang, Zhenghua Xu, Changxi Yin, Zaibiao Zhu, Xuebo Hu. The deterioration of agronomical traits of the continuous cropping of stevia is associated with the dynamics of soil bacterial community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 917000.

(5) 安祥瑞, 江尚焘, 谢昶琰, 徐阳春, 董彩霞, 沈其荣. 减施化肥配施有机肥对荔枝园土壤微生物区系的影响. 应用生态学报, 2022, 33(04): 1099-1108.

(6) Yalong Kang, Yanwei Ma, Wenli Wu, Shaomin Zeng, Shangtao Jiang, Han Yang, Yan Li, Zhonghua Wan, Caixia Dong, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen. Bioorganic and silicon amendments alleviate early defoliation of pear trees by improving the soil nutrient bioavailability, microbial activity, and reshaping the soil microbiome network. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 173: 104383.

(7) Shangtao Jiang, Xiangrui An, Yadong Shao, Xinlan Mei, Caixia Dong, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen. Responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi occurrence to organic fertilizer: a meta-analysis of field studies. Plant and Soil, 2021, 469(1): 89-105.

(8) Yalong Kang, Han Yang, Shaomin Zeng, Shangtao Jiang, Changyan Xie, Zhonghua Wang, Caixia Dong, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen. Mitigation of soil acidification in orchards: A case study to alleviate early defoliation in pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) trees, Rhizosphere, 2021, 20: 100445.

(9) 安祥瑞, 江尚焘, 李焕苓, 秦献泉, 胡小璇, 谢昶琰, 徐阳春, 董彩霞, 沈其荣. 减施化肥配施有机肥对荔枝生长、产量品质及肥料利用率的影响. 土壤, 2021, 53(06): 1174-1184.

(10) Yalong Kang, Xiangrui An, Yanwei Ma, Shaomin Zeng, Shangtao Jiang, Wenli Wu, Changyan Xie, Zhonghua Wang, Caixia Dong, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen. Organic amendments alleviate early defoliation and increase fruit yield by altering assembly patterns and of microbial communities and enzymatic activities in sandy pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). AMB Express, 2021, 11: 164.

(11) Shangtao Jiang, Xiaoxuan Hu, Yalong Kang, Caixia Dong, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in the rhizospheric soil of litchi and mango orchards as affected by geographic distance, soil properties and manure input. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 152: 103593.

(12) 胡小璇, 江尚焘, 安祥瑞, 吴文利, 谢昶琰, 沈宗专, 王蓓蓓, 魏志远, 徐阳春, 董彩霞, 沈其荣. 有机无机肥配施对芒果产量与品质及经济效益的影响. 南京农业大学学报, 2020, 43(06): 1107-1115.

(13) Dianjun Lu, Han Song, Shangtao Jiang, Xiaoqin Chen, Huoyan Wang, Jianmin Zhou. Managing fertilizer placement locations and source types to improve rice yield and the use efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus. Field Crops Research, 2019, 231: 10-17.

(14) Dianjun Lu, Han Song, Shangtao Jiang, Xiaoqin Chen, Huoyan Wang, Jianmin Zhou. Integrated phosphorus placement and form for improving wheat grain yield. Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111 (4): 1998-2004.

(15) Dianjun Lu, Shangtao Jiang, Xiaoqin Chen, Huoyan Wang, Jianmin Zhou. Wheat growth as affected by combinations of phosphate dose and patch size. Agronomy Journal, 2018, 110 (2): 707-714.

(16) 江尚焘, 王火焰, 周健民, 刘晓伟, 陈照明, 严陶韬. 磷肥施用对水稻生长和磷素吸收的影响.土壤, 2016, 48(06): 1085-1091.

(17) 江尚焘, 王火焰, 周健民, 陈照明, 刘晓伟, 贾云生. 磷肥施用方式及类型对冬小麦产量和磷素吸收的影响. 应用生态学报, 2016, 27(05): 1503-1510.


通讯地址: 盐城市希望大道南路2号,盐城师范学院江苏省盐土生物资源研究重点实验室,224007

E-mail: jshangtao@qq.com



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